Crosby Ravensworth Parish is a rural parish in Cumbria incorporating the settlements of Crosby Ravensworth, Maulds Meaburn, Oddendale and Reagill. It lies to the east of Shap and to the north of Orton. It lies in an agricultural area within the Yorkshire Dales National Park and enjoys good walking. Click here for information.
There are just over 400 households in the parish. The council normally meets on the first Monday of the month at the Parish Archive in Crosby Ravensworth but also on occasion at other venues like the Maulds Meaburn Village Institute and Crosby Ravensworth Village Hall. Agendas are published a minimum of four working days prior to meetings on the parish noticeboards in each village and on this website. The council’s minutes are also published here and summarised for publication in the volunteer run parish magazine ‘The Lyvennet Link’ whose production costs are paid by the council.
All meetings are open to the public and parishioners are welcomed and encouraged to attend, sometimes when confidential matters are discussed the press and public are excluded for discussion of that item. An opportunity for public participation is offered at all ordinary meetings. Any parishioner may speak without notice on a subject of concern or interest to the parish.
Each May the council has a duty to convene an ‘Annual Parish Meeting’. Any parishioner may speak without notice on a subject of concern or interest to the parish. This meeting does not have a formal and published agenda although there is normally an invited speaker.
If parishioners would like to raise an issue with the Parish Council you may do so in person at a meeting or by using the contact form on this website.
If you would like to receive the council’s publications and notice of meetings please join the mailing list. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Councillors are elected every 4 years. Any parishioners over 18 years of age and eligible to stand for election who are interested in serving on the council are invited to contact the clerk for more information.
Councillors and the clerk can be contacted from here.
The council has statutory duties and limited discretionary powers. This website has been created with funds awarded from the transparency fund to meet the council’s duty to comply with current legislation on transparency.
The council is a statutory consultee on planning applications within the parish and it responds to the three planning authorities that control development in the parish, The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Cumbria County Council (Minerals and Waste) and Eden District Council.
It also works closely with other local authorities providing local responses, feedback and consultation over their services e.g. planning, footpaths and recycling.
Crosby Ravensworth Parish Council is registered as a Neighbourhood Planning Area but the development and production of a ‘Neighbourhood plan’ is currently deferred following the incorporation of a large part of the Parish into the Yorkshire Dales National Park in August 2016.
Crosby Ravensworth Parish Council is registered with the Information Commissioner (ZA281444). Details of its Data Protection Policy and Freedom of Information Policy can be found on the Policies and Documents Page.
The council usually has turnover of approximately £15,000 to £18,000 per annum and assets valued at £375,000. The council sets an annual ‘precept’ part of the council tax (normally at its budget setting meeting in November) which is paid by householders as a component of their council tax. In 2017 this was set at £8,850. Details of the council’s finances are published in full on this website.
The council is the sole trustee of the Maulds Meaburn Recreation Ground Trust (Charity Number 509490) which owns and is responsible for Maulds Meaburn Village Green.